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Vue Flow provides several slots for customization. In addition to the node and edge slots (see the guide on nodes and edges), there are a number of other slots you can use to customize the visualization.


The default slot can be used to nest elements inside the Vue Flow wrapper <div>. It will not be rendered inside the viewport, meaning it will not receive a transformation for scale or positioning. You can use the default slot to add a sidebar or floating toolbar etc. to your graph.

Connection Line

The connection line slot allows you to pass down a custom connection line component, which will be used, when a connection is triggered.

    <template #connection-line="connectionLineProps">
      <CustomConnectionLine v-bind="connectionLineProps" />

The full description of connection line props can be found here.

Zoom Pane

The zoom pane slot is placed inside the viewport transformation, so that it scales and moves with the current viewport zoom and position.

    <template #zoom-pane>
      <div>Some element inside the zoom pane</div>

Released under the MIT License.